Arena User Documentation
Workforce Management
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Glossary Item Box


This section documents applications, processes and reports that enable retailers to effectively manage rosters, aligning them with anticipated customer loads, and maximising customer service while minimising wage costs. It's primary purpose is effective wage control without compromising customer service.

It includes the following sections: -

Section Description
Master File Maintenance Documents all core master file maintenance applications.
Maintain Workforce Targets Documents tools and application for generating wage and staff performance targets.
Roster Timesheet Maintenance Documents applications for accessing and editing store rosters and timesheets.
Payroll Processing Documents reports and application to controll timesheet entry, and support payroll processing using timesheet data.
Workforce Management Reports Documents are range or workforce management reports.
Regional Manager Reports Document various reports which enable regional managers to review and approve rosters, ensuring they are within target.
Floater Management Documents reports and applications for managing store floaters. These are sales people who are domiciled in a specific store but whose role is to act as a temporary resource for stores who are short staffed.

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